A political advisor is an expert who advises a party, a government group, a politician, etc. in a specific area that is not on the domain of the contracting party. The advised politician according to his or her own criteria of usefulness, capacity, and relevance can make changes to the work done by the advisor. A political consultant is a professional on the field of communication and/or political marketing, organization, and/or political research that politicians require for a specific job.

Source: La comarca científica (2019). Asesora Política ¿Cuál es su trabajo? Access: https://www.lacomarcacientifica.com/asesora-politica/

Centro de Educación Superior (2018). ¿Qué es un consultor político y por qué es tan importante su labor?

Access: https://www.cesnext.com/noticias/consultor-politico-y-cual-es-su-labor/